Lightningtree | Blitzbaum
Seewasserwerk Horgen

Idea Chris Tanner, Realisation Marc Simon Frei and Stefano Mosimann


In June 2014 a hefty summer storm hovered over the valley of Auegst in Switzerland and lightning struck a 120 yer old poplar that stood only a couple of meters from the farmhouse of the Stehli family. This mighty tree had already survived three lightining strikes in the past and protected the farmhouse from damage. But this last lightining strike proved to be deadly and the tree had to be felled. Chris Tanner, who has been enthralled by the surrealist Boris Vian‘s tale of the feelings of a tree as it was being felled, purchased the poplar and had it transported to Horgen with the idea to re-enact the life and death of the tree. The poplar was over 8 meters high and weighed more than 7 tons. Trees as well as plans emit photons in their natural environment. If a leaf is torn from a tree, the photon emission gradually dies down.
The installation consists of the main branch through which the lighning entered the tree. It symbolically shows a living tree emitting photons as signals of life. Lightning then strikes from the thundering storm and splits the tree and then transforms itself into a blood stream as the storm shakes the tree to its roots and kills it.

Im Juni 2014 entlud sich ein kräftiges Sommergewitter über dem Aeugstertal und ein Blitz schlug in die über 120-jährige Pappel ein, die nur wenige Meter entfernt vom Bauernhaus der Familie Stehli stand. Schon drei Blitzeinschläge überlebte dieser mächtige Baum in den letzten Jahrzehnten und schützte dadurch die Zerstörung des Familienhofes. Doch der letzte Blitzeinschlag war tödlich und die Pappel musste gefällt werden. Chris Tanner erwarb die Pappel, liess sie nach Horgen transportieren mit der Idee im Kopf, das Blitzereignis nachzugestalten. Die Pappel war über acht Meter hoch und wog mehr als sieben Tonnen. Die Installation mit dem Hauptast zeigt symbolisch, wie der Blitz in den Baum eintrat und durchschlug und wie die sogenannten Photonen in sich zusammenfallen beim Absterben des Baumes. Bäume, wie auch Pflanzen, geben nämlich in ihrem natürlichen Umfeld Photonen ab. Bricht man ein Blatt von einem Baum ab, so nimmt diese Photonoenabgabe stetig ab und fällt in sich zusammen.



Light effects

Marc Simon Frei, a light technician and concept artist of Tesla Art, Altdorf, Uri/Switzerland who has been experimenting with self built tesla spools. His fascinating photographies of tender lightnings which are created by his artificial storms are unique and enchanting.

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Sound effects

Stefano Mosimann, Lugano, a multi-media technician and filmer (CISA International Academy of Audiovisual Sciences) whose short film, «Homo sapiens cyborg» was shown as a short film at the 2012 Festival in Locarno. 2012 he founded the production company REC and 2015 he was the director of the short film «Night Call».

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